A Lawyer who is a breatharian living on light energy without eating physical food
He is the author of a book titled “Fusyoku toiu ikikata” which means “A way of life without eating” (Japanese Edition) and has become a hot topic of conversation for living without eating physical food. Not only he gives lectures on the lifestyle of living without eating physical food, he also currently holds musical activities using ethnic musical instruments; “cotton swab work” workshops, making sacred geometric patterns using cotton swabs are held in various locations.
1992: Graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Department of Information Science. 1998: Registered as a lawyer. 2008: Established Lotus Law & Patent Firm. Specialist in intellectual property rights. 2012: Doctor of Medicine (Alternative Medicine) certified by the Japan Homeopathic Medical Association (JPHMA) and the British Homeopathic Medical Association (HMA). 2011-2012: Visited the Amazon on a mission to protect the rainforest, participated in the Earth Summit, served as a board member of the NGO Green Heart, to protect the rainforest . 2012-2013: Visited Palestine and Israel as a member of a peace delegation, Director of Singing Ring Association
- -books-
“How to live without fighting with anyone" (PHP Institute, Inc.)
“People Who Don't Eat: How Breatharianism Makes People Healthier."
“A way of life without eating" (Gentosha Inc.)
“Your Alien Vibration Awakens!” (Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd), etc.